Monday, October 19, 2009

Rice Crispies and Muffins

Yesterday my oldest and I went to Huntsville for the wrap up of a writing marathon she went to in July.

When I came through the door my 3 year old son was all smiles; "Daddy I made marshmellows" he said. Then he said "and crispies". "Did you make rice cripsy squares" I asked. "Yes!"

He was so happy that he got to make desert for us with his mom. It made eating the rice crispy squares that much more enjoyable.

Today my wife decided she would make apple muffins (we got a whole bunch of apples from my mother-in-law from her apple tree). My son heard his mom in the kitchen and wondered in there. "Mom, what are you doing?" Next thing you see him running to get his stool so he could help his mom measure out the ingredients. I could hear him saying things like "this is what daddy and me used at grandma's". When the muffins came out of the oven he didn't want to eat any but he was so happy to see us eating them.

Seeing my children in the kitchen is by far one of the greatest sights.

Happy Cooking

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